About Us
Caring and Sharing Ministries, Inc. is the ecumenical fellowship and shared community ministry that operates in Taneytown. Nine churches come together to bring religious opportunities and financial support to the community. Messiah United Methodist Church, Piney Creek Church of the Brethren, Emmanuel Baust United Church of Christ, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. James Orthodox Church, Taneytown Baptist Church, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Keymar Wesleyn Church, and Grace United Church of Christ send volunteer lay people and pastors to the Board meetings held four times a year.
The work of Caring and Sharing is done through the Committees that meet monthly or as needed. The Committee structure allows people to follow their passion for helping as they join the Committee of their choice. The Committees meet at times scheduled by the members.
Caring and Sharing welcomes input and help from the community it serves—YOU! Please reach out and let us hear from you. Call Lynda Gainor, 443.340.0251.